This site is my way of documenting what I’ve done, what I’ve learned and how I see myself developing in the future. If you’d like to learn more about me, feel free to explore this site and my CV linked above. If you see something you like, or you want to discuss what I can do for you, drop me a line.
I am a physicist, and I work as Euclid Project Scientist at the European Space Agency (ESA).
My main expertise is in cosmology, astrophysics and space science, bridging between theory and observations. I have worked for space missions like ESA Planck and ESA Euclid satellites, as a scientist and project manager.
I have a PhD and Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR) in physics and four habilitations in Italy (associato/ordinario/fisica teorica/astrofisica). Alumna of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Fellowhip, I have experience in research, science diplomacy, data science, communication, project and event management. My CV is available here.
My present responsibilities include:
ESA Euclid space mission
2023 - Project Scientist for the Euclid ESA space mission. The project scientist is in charge of maximising the scientific outcome of a mission. This implied monitoring operations and their impact on the scientific output of the mission, verify that scientific requirements are met, coordinate the data releases of the mission and make sure that the community can benefit from Euclid data products.
Volunteering activities
Promoting Women Talents, equal opportunities and early career researchers
Mentor and leadership team for the Supernova Foundation for Women in Physics
Vice-President of DIRE Donne Italiane Rete Estera, network of Italian professional women abroad
Invited member of one of the five Work Group on Science Diplomacy set up by the European Commission: Working Group 3: Strengthening science diplomacy in EU and Member States’ delegations and embassies and fostering the EU’s global science diplomacy outreach.
Alumna of the Marie Curie Alumni Association, S4D4C, InsSciDE and GESDA science diplomacy training.
Data Science
Appointed Fellow of the EuroPython Society in 2021, meant to support applications of python programming language in all fields.
Alumna of Science to Data Science training on data science in healthcare
ESA Directorate of Science D/SCI | SCI-E | SCI-ES
European Space Agency/ESTEC,
Keplerlaan 1,
2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands