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I regularly organise or take part as invited speaker to international conferences, schools, workshops, webinars. 

Topics include cosmology, space science, theoretical physics, data analysis, career development, education, science policy and science diplomacy, transfer of knowledge between academia and industry and in general across different professions. Since 2020 I am part of the board of the DIRE Network, with which I co-organise events that host women professionals in different fields (from international organisations, research, industry, literature, art). 

Below you find recent ones.

Pictures are usually taken by me in the city where the meeting took place.

Uno sguardo sull'Universo

Paris, France

Cosmology&Astrophysics, Space Science, DIRE Network

11/05/2023 - 11/05/2023

I organised an event for the general public about the Universe and space science; it included an introduction on the ESA Science Programme, science from Solar Orbiter and Euclid space missions. The event was in Italian, organised for the DIRE network, which joins Italian women of different professions, living in Paris.

Warsaw Science Diplomacy School 2021 by InsSciDE

Warsaw (Virtual)

Science Diplomacy

21/06/2021 - 25/06/2021

I attended and completed the school (invited after a selection process). The program comprised 26 hours of intensive learning, with 13 hours of lectures, 6 hours of teamwork in breakout groups, 7 hours of debate and discussion, and 2 major deliverables.

Machine Learning for the study of galaxies and cosmology


Cosmology&Astrophysics, Data Science

09/06/2021 - 09/06/2021

I co-organised this Atelier for the Programme National de Cosmologie et Galaxies, within the Semaine de l'astrophysique française 2021.

Instituto de Física Teórica IFT CSIC/UAM

Madrid, Spain (Virtual)

Cosmology&Astrophysics, Theory, Space Science

29/03/2021 - 29/03/2021

Invited speaker.

Science Diplomacy in Space Exploration


Science Diplomacy, DIRE Network


Round table on science diplomacy in space exploration, organized by Alumni Polito Paris, the Italian Embassy in France, with the support of DIRE - Donne Italiane Rete Estera. 

I was invited to co-organize and chair the panel, including David Burigana (Professor of History of International Relations in Padova), Simonetta Di Pippo (Director of UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)), Silvia Galli (IAP CNRS), Alessia Tomatis (Eutelsat). 

The video is available on Youtube

Waterloo Centre for Astrophysics

Waterloo, Canada (Virtual)

Cosmology&Astrophysics, Theory, Space Science


I was invited to give a talk on my research in occasion of the Remote Astro Seminar Series at the Waterloo Centre for Astrophysics, in Canada.

Mock interviews for postdocs


Career Development

04/12/2020 - 11/12/2020

I organized mock interviews for postdocs willing to apply for a job in academia or industry. This is a yearly activity for CosmoStat team members. 

Webinar on Covid-19 pandemics


DIRE Network


Webinar with Vittoria Colizza (Research Director at INSERM) and Daniela Paolotti (Senior Research Scientist in Computational and Digital Epidemiology). 

I organized and chaired the event for DIRE - Donne Italiane Rete Estera

Conference of Science Attachés


Science Diplomacy


The aim of the Conference was to promote the actions, instruments and successes of Science Diplomacy, and provide an update, with the Science Attaché network, on the results of the work carried out to date and the future prospects. I attended as participant.

Euclid France Meeting


Space Science

23/11/2020 - 25/11/2020

Annual meeting of the French Collaboration working on the ESA Euclid space satellite. I was invited to give a talk on the Inter-Science Taskforce I co-lead.

YITP Kyoto

Kyoto, Japan (Virtual)

Cosmology&Astrophysics, Theory, Space Science

09/10/2020 - 09/10/2020

I was invited to give a talk on cosmology, from theory to data. The slides of my talk are available here

Virtual Annual Meeting of the German Astronomical Society


Career development, Health in Science

21/9/2020 - 25/09/2020

I was invited to give a talk on the Impostor Syndrome, within the session on Healthy Careers in astronomy. My talk is available here.

Science for policymaking at the centre of national government


Science Policy, Science Diplomacy

08/09/2020 - 08/09/2020

First of a series of interactive workshops on science policy, organised by the Joint Research Centre, for EU policies and evidence-based scientific advice. I was invited to intervene within one of the work group, on what works in science diplomacy and how to improve in this direction.

CSTD Meeting, CEA DAp

CEA Paris-Saclay

Space Science

03/09/2020 - 03/03/2020

Conseil Scientifique et Tecnique of the Astrophysics Department. I am member of the Conseil and I was invited to give a talk on a new space mission proposal called LiteBIRD.

ESOF 2020

Hybrid (Virtual & Trieste)

Science Policy, Science Diplomacy

02/9/2020 - 07/09/2020

Euro Science Open Forum. I attended as member of the Marie Curie Alumni Association, for the Science Policy Work Group.


Paris, France


01/04/2020 - 04/06/2020

I organize a 10 week programme for researchers, students, postdocs including a school, 3 workshops and tutorial sessions. [Cancelled due to pandemic COVID-19 2020]

Formation on Intelligence Artificielle

Saclay, France

Data science

17/12/2019 - 17/12/2019

DRF (Direction de la Recherche Fondamentale) often offers opportunities for training on a variety of topics useful in research and industry. Very excited to attend this one.

PNCG annual meeting

Marseille, France

Science Policy, Astronomy

13/11/2019 - 15/11/2019

PNCG is the Programme Nationale de Cosmologie et Galaxie. The Scientific Committee meets to discuss actions related to its principal thematic axis, evaluate proposals from the French community and strengthen synergies among different labs. This was my first participation, as I joined PNCG as president for CEA in October 2019.

The Paris-Saclay AstroParticle Symposium 2019

Paris, France

Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology&Astrophysics

14/10/2019 - 08/11/2019

4 week programme on AstroParticle Physics. I was invited to co-lead the panel discussion that will happen on the first day, on the topic: what will future surveys tell us about dark energy?

Towards Coordination of the European CMB Programme

Paris, France


12/09/2019 - 13/09/2019

Organized by APC, this meeting gathers experiment builders, observers and agency representatives to chart European coordination on CMB experiments, including collaboration in technology development, and seeking synergy with similar efforts in other parts of the world. I attend as participant, as I was involved in Planck satellite and I was part of the CMB perspectives committee.

EuroPython 2019

Basel, Switzerland

Python, Data Science, Industry&Academia

08/07/2019 - 14/07/2019

In 2019 I was elected in the board of the EuroPython Society and helped organising the annual conference. EuroPython Conference typically hosts about 1200 participants and is meant for academia, industry and everyone interested in python programming language. As member of the board I helped with the selection of the location, programme, marketing and communication. I was also contact point in place for dealing with code of conduct related matters.

Euclid 2019

Helsinki, Finland

Space Science

04/06/2019 - 07/06/2019

Annual meeting of the Euclid Consortium. I coordinated the splinter session on the Inter Science Taskforce on Likelihood. The Forecast taskforce I coordinate won the team STAR prize 2019.

Accelerating Universe in the Dark

Kyoto, Japan


04/03/2019 - 08/03/2019

Invited talk on the Euclid satellite.

Euclid France 2018

Nice, France

Space Science

27/11/2018 - 28/11/2018

Euclid satellite meeting for the French contribution.

Dark Energy Colloqium



23/10/2018 - 25/10/2018

Invited talk on Dark Energy.

Cosmo Club

Paris Saclay



I gave a talk at the joint Journal Club between DAp, DPhP and IPhT institutes.

EuroPython 2018

Edinburgh, UK

Python, data science, Industry&Academia

24/07/2018 - 29/07/2018

Conference for academia, industry and everyone interested in python programming language. The conference hosts each year about 1200 participants. In 2018 I joined the programme and sponsor work groups. I was also contact point in place for dealing with code of conduct related matters.

SF2A 2018

Bordeaux, France


03/07/2018 - 06/07/2018

Semaine de l'Astronomie, gathering French Labs on many aspects in Astrophysics, Cosmology and Astronomy. I was invited to give a talk.


Valencia, Spain


22/05/2018 - 25/05/2018

Conference on statistics and cosmology in view of future surveys and big data challenges. I was invited to be part of the Scientific Organizing Committee.

Euclid Theory Meeting

Paris, France

Space Science

16/04/2018 - 20/04/2018

I organised the annual meeting for the Euclid Theory Working Group, hosting 77 participants worldwide. I worked on all aspects of the organisation, invitations, programme, coffee breaks management.

©2018 by Valeria Pettorino. Created with

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