Whenever possible, I have contributed to networks and associations of different professionals, in different fields. I further attended classes on a variety of topics, from data science, to communication, negotiation and science diplomacy. Here you can find more details on specific certified training sessions I attended or tutorials I prepared.
Geneva Science Diplomacy Anticipation Immersive Program
May 2022
Initiated in 2022 by the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator Foundation (GESDA), the weeklong program now is a partnership with 17 Geneva, Swiss and global academic and diplomatic institutions. The program brings together the current and next generation of leaders from around the world for an intensive week of dialogue and exchange with the key international agencies, diplomatic missions, academic institutions, global NGOs and technology leaders shaping the future of science for multilateralism.
Tips on preparing a talk
May 2020
This is a tutorial I prepared for CosmoStat Learning Slot. It aims mainly at scientists but some tips can be useful in other contexts. It includes examples on how to adapt your talk to your goal, how to manage attention via design, voice, text, images. All tutorials are available on github: https://github.com/CosmoStat/Tutorials
S4D4C European Science Diplomacy online Course
Aug 2020
8 Modules including What is
Science Diplomacy, Stakeholders and Networks in Science Diplomacy, European Science Diplomacy, Regional and National Strategies for Science Diplomacy, Skills for
Science Diplomacy, Case Studies of European Science Diplomacy.
S2DS Virtual March 2016
Apr 2016
"Europe’s largest data science training programme. Five weeks of intensive, project-based training turning exceptional analytical PhDs and MScs into Data Scientists. S2DS is designed to help all participants to use their analytical experience and apply it to a real world problem with one of our partner companies" More info: http://www.s2ds.org/ During my training I worked on applying machine learning to a healthcare IOT problem, for a startup based in London.