Event Management
I enjoy organising events, putting people in contact, across different fields, expertise, roles. I see in knowledge transfer an opportunity for everyone to improve, share skills, get to a better outcome.
Here you can find more details on specific events I organised.
Pictures are usually taken by me in the city where the meeting took place.
Uno sguardo sull'Universo
Paris, France
11/05/2023 - 11/05/2023
I organised an event for the general public about the Universe and space science; it included an introduction on the ESA Science Programme, science from Solar Orbiter and Euclid space missions. The event was in Italian, organised for the DIRE network, which joins Italian women of different professions, living in Paris.
Machine Learning for the study of galaxies and cosmology
09/06/2021 - 09/06/2021
I co-organised this Atelier for the Programme National de Cosmologie et Galaxies, within the Semaine de l'astrophysique française 2021.
Science Diplomacy in Space Exploration
Round table on science diplomacy in space exploration, organized by Alumni Polito Paris, the Italian Embassy in France, with the support of DIRE - Donne Italiane Rete Estera.
I was invited to co-organize and chair the panel, including David Burigana (Professor of History of International Relations in Padova), Simonetta Di Pippo (Director of UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)), Silvia Galli (IAP CNRS), Alessia Tomatis (Eutelsat).
The video is available on Youtube.

Mock interviews for postdocs
04/12/2020 - 11/12/2020
I organized mock interviews for postdocs willing to apply for a job in academia or industry. This is a yearly activity for CosmoStat team members.
Webinar on Covid-19 pandemics
Webinar with Vittoria Colizza (Research Director at INSERM) and Daniela Paolotti (Senior Research Scientist in Computational and Digital Epidemiology).
I organized and chaired the event for DIRE - Donne Italiane Rete Estera.
EuroPython 2019
Basel, Switzerland
08/07/2019 - 14/07/2019
In 2019 I was elected in the board of the EuroPython Society and helped organising the annual conference. EuroPython Conference typically hosts about 1200 participants and is meant for academia, industry and everyone interested in python programming language. As member of the board I helped with the selection of the location, programme, marketing and communication. I was also contact point in place for dealing with code of conduct related matters.
EuroPython 2018
Edinburgh, UK
24/07/2018 - 29/07/2018
Conference for academia, industry and everyone interested in python programming language. The conference hosts each year about 1200 participants. In 2018 I joined the programme and sponsor work groups. I was also contact point in place for dealing with code of conduct related matters.