The Inter Science Taskforce IST:Forecasts that I co-led with Ariel Sanchez (DE) and Tom Kitching (UK) for three years 2016-2019 won in June 2019 the Euclid STAR Prize 2019 for the category TEAM, for "providing a validated pipeline to produce forecasts for Galaxy Clustering, Weak Lensing and Cross Correlation".
The Euclid space satellite will combine different types of detection (in particular galaxy clustering and weak lensing). Our task was to predict how well both probes can be used to test cosmological parameters. We developed and validated codes able to make forecasts for both galaxy clustering and weak lensing observations, alone and combined, and tested how well Euclid can perform, in different observational settings and theoretical scenarios.
The team included members with different expertise, and one of the challenges was to create a forum of discussion across different science work groups, addressing and combining 'inter science' objectives, i.e. common to different observational probes.
What a great team work, congratulations to all of us!

All team members: A. Blanchard, S. Camera, C. Carbone, V.F. Cardone, S. Casas, S. Clesse, S. Ilic, M. Kilbinger, T. D. Kitching, M. Kunz, F. Lacasa, E. Linder, E. Majerotto, K. Markovich, M. Martinelli, V. Pettorino, A. Pourtsidou, Z. Sakr, Ariel G. Sánchez, D. Sapone, I. Tutusaus, S. Yahia-Cherif, and V. Yankelevich.
And here is how we celebrated our STAR prizes at CosmoStat Lab: