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Project Management

Here you can find more details on specific projects I managed, my responsibilities, the skills I learned and the tools I employed. 

Pictures are usually taken by me in the city where the meeting took place.

Euclid IST:Likelihood

2019 - present

Co-lead of the taskforce to develop the likelihood software for the Euclid satellite. This software will allow to compare data with different theoretical models.

Skills and tools: Agile management, testing scrum master or product owner equivalent role, from 2020; gitlab as taskboard, git flow to develop and validate the software pipeline, integrated with slack to communicate within the team. Team size: about 40 team members; interface with Euclid consortium (~1900 members)

Euclid Review

2012 - 2018

Lead the writing and editing of a collective review on what Euclid can test in cosmology.

Skills and tools: coordination of collective writing, theoretical physics. Team size: about 40 people.

Planck Dark Energy and Modified Gravity

2014 - 2015

Lead the data analysis to test models beyond the standard scenario, for the Planck satellite collaboration.

Skills and tools: working with different datasets, observables, theories; communicating and finding agreement between data and theory communities. Team size: about 20 active members in my team. Planck collaboration size: ~ 500 people.

Euclid Communication

2012 - 2014 & 2019 - present

Deputy of the Euclid Communication for 2 years, managing internal communication and public outreach for the whole Consortium (about 1000 members). Communication strategy included interaction with schools, a new website, social media. Since 2018 representative for CEA in the Euclid Communication group for France.

Skills and tools: Among other tasks, I was in charge of a Youtube channel that hosted interviews from Euclid members; directed and edited hangouts on cosmology.

Euclid IST:Forecast

2016 - 2019

I have co-lead the taskforce to validate forecasts for the Euclid satellite. We showed that cross-correlation can improve results of a factor 3. Press release available.

Skills and tools: in 2018 started to learn Agile Management; gitlab taskboard integrated with slack; co-editing and style editing. Team size: about 30 members; interface with Euclid Consortium (~1900 members). This activity was awarded the Euclid Prize 2019 for the category TEAM.

©2018 by Valeria Pettorino. Created with

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